Precision Healing: Transform Your Body with Integrative Dry Needling
One of my favorite modalities to use in the clinic is integrative dry needling. Integrative dry needling has many benefits, such as pain...
Break Down Your Heart Wall: Unlock Emotional Freedom and Creativity with The Emotion Code®
Something unique to The Emotion Code ® is the ability to find and release the heart wall. The heart wall is a set of emotions that we...
Unlock Inner Healing with The Emotion Code®: Restoring Balance from Within.
A technique we use at Beyond the Physical to release trapped emotions and promote healing is called The Emotion Code ® . With The Emotion...
Holistic Health: A Whole-Body Approach to True Healing
Holistic health is a term that we are hearing more frequently, but what does it really mean? Holistic health is an approach to health...
Uncovering the Impact of Trapped Emotions
Are you feeling stuck? This could be because of trapped emotions. Trapped emotions come from past experiences, specifically trauma that...
IASTM a.k.a. Scraping Technique
IASTM, or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, is a manual therapy technique that has gained popularity in recent years. It...
Benefits of Electrical Stimulation with Dry Needling
Benefits of Electrical Stimulation with Dry Needling: -Decreases pain -Increases blood flow -Reduces inflammation -Reduces muscle...
Kinesiotape for Edema Management
Kinesiotape can be applied to help reduce swelling by lifting the skin and assisting with lymph drainage. This technique is helpful for...
Patellar Tendinitis
Tendinitis means inflammation of the tendon. Patella tendinitis is inflammation in the patella tendon (the tendon that connects the knee...
Benefits of Crystals
Benefits of using crystals for healing: -Grounding and Balancing -Energizing -Restoring -Cleansing -Purifying Crystals can be used to...
Dry Needling for Low Back Pain
Dry needling can be effective in treating back pain from multiple sources, including disc lesions, muscle strains, and facet issues. Dry...
The Emotion Code: Heart-Wall
Do you have a Heart-Wall? A Heart-Wall is built from layers of emotions that get trapped in our body at various ages of life. Each heart...
4 Benefits of Drinking Water
Water energizes your muscles: It's important to drink enough water to maintain electrolyte balance. This will help you to perform at...
Movement is Medicine
Per the Cleveland Clinic, regular exercise: Makes you feel happier Gives you more energy Promotes sleep quality Helps fight depression...
Are you searching for a unique gift this Holiday Season? Gift Cards are now available for services which include: Crystal Reiki and...
Positive Thoughts Only
We've all heard this a number of times. It is true that harmful words can affect the body in a negative way. Emotions can stimulate...
Molecules of Emotion?
I often reference this book when I explain the process of emotions becoming trapped in the body. I used the research of Dr. Pert in my...
What can deep breathing do for you?
Did you know deep breathing can help manage pain? Deep breathing techniques can help the body restore homeostasis and release endorphins....
Benefits of Dry Needling
Pain reduction Decreased Inflammation Decreased muscle tightness and improved flexibility Increased joint range of motion Faster...
Reiki to Survive the Winter Apocalypse
Are you stuck at home and feeling stressed during this winter snowstorm? This weather has definitely brought added stress to our already...